número de clasificación - vertaling naar spaans
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número de clasificación - vertaling naar spaans

Clasificación de carne; Clasificacion de Carne; Clasificacion de la carne; Clasificacion de carne; Clasificación de Carne
  • Area Ribeye
  • ''[[Ribeye]]'': Corte de Canal entre la 12.ª y 13.ª costilla
  • Conformacionl
  • Grasa dorsal
  • Marmoleo

Sistema de clasificación
= classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.
Ex: Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.
Ex: A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents" citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
Ex: Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
Ex: Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.
Ex: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
Ex: This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.
Ex: This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.
Ex: In addition to producing these "league tables" of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.
Ex: The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.
Ex: Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
Ex: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
Ex: It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.
Ex: Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.
* clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.
* clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.
* clasificación automática = automatic classification.
* clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.
* Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).
* clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.
* Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).
* Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.
* Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
* clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.
* clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.
* clasificación del correo = mail sorting.
* clasificación del suelo = zoning.
* Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.
* clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.
* clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.
* clasificación facetada = faceted classification.
* clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.
* Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).
* clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.
* clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.
* clasificación por materia = subject classification.
* clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.
* clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.
* de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.
* dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.
* Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
* indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.
* LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
* número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.
* ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.
* paquete de clasificación = sort package.
* sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.
* sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
* sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.
* sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.
* sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.
* sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.
* sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.
* tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.
sistema de clasificación         
Sistema de clasificación
(n.) = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system
Ex: The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content. Ex: Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing. Ex: Many men have devised such classification systems -- Bliss, Brown, Ranganathan to name only three -- but the one who is most widely known is Melvil Dewey. Ex: Research on the use of the LC classification schedules as a component of subject retrieval should continue. Ex: Participants in the conference on social sciences discussed the possibilities for eliminating punitive aspects of grading systems, such as flunking courses.
Sistema de clasificación
n. classification, sorting, systematic arranging


ordenación o disposición por clases en virtud de distintas características


Clasificación de la carne

La clasificación de la carne se refiere a la práctica de evaluación de la carne en relación con sus atributos organolépticos de calidad. Dependiendo de la normatividad en cada país la blandura, jugosidad y frescura de la carne se evalúan mediante una estimación de su madurez (ósea, adiposa y muscular) y la cantidad de grasa presente. Como se muestra en la figura, en el ganado bovino la inspección se realiza sobre el ribeye localizado entre la costilla duodécima y la decimotercera de una canal.